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                              Riverflow Books

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                                        Bennett, artist, author, and
                                        publisherWelcome to Riverflow Books where you'll find books that instruct, entertain, and, most of all, combine elegant art with engaging text.

I'm Jim Bennett, artist, author, and publisher.

I sincerely believe you'll find something of interest here -- a variety of publications -- from my art books, to novels, to books about NY local history, and calligraphy books, creative math project lesson plans, and reprints of some unique antiquarian books.

For those who would like information about writing and self-publishing, I offer a special review of "The Best New Tools for Writing and Self-Publishing." It's FREE to download. Simply click the link below.



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Art and the Bible, tuition-free lessons, use art to explore the truth of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles from the Gospels through Revelation, for the thinking, questioning person, artandthebible.com.

Expand your consciousness with 4-Dimensional Visualization & Meditation Using Pictures
Download the FREE adult mindfulness coloring book based on Bennecelli's beautiful abstract art at bennecelli.com

My Newest Books

Beyond the Miraculous! Book
My most recent book, "Behold the Miraculous!" is a collection of 72 inspiring metaphysical essays illustrated with full-color art which I created. "Behold the Miraculous!" uncovers the extraordinary qualities and profound implications of seemingly ordinary things in our daily lives. Prepare to be both intellectually stimulated and deeply inspired by my unique and thought-provoking perspective on the world. (170 pages)

The blog by the same name: bennecelli.com/blog
Available from Lulu and Amazon.

creativity bookThis exceptional book provides a comprehensive explanation of a unique method that utilizes five specially crafted paintings to energize your imagination and ignite your creativity. By employing the four steps of the exclusive L-I-V-E visualization technique (Look - Interpret - Visualize - Experience) in conjunction with these captivating artworks, your imagination becomes a potent catalyst for unleashing your creative potential.

$12.64 + s/h from Lulu or download free at bennecelli.com

free adult
                                              mindfulness coloring book

This 24-page, adult mindfulness coloring book is a FREE download. The pictures are all based on Bennecelli's beautiful "Luminous Streams" abstract art.

Available as an instant download on the artist's website bennecelli.com

                                        Christus, The Way of teh Christ

This small book (just 88 pages) will challenge the reader to consider a new vision of the Bible. Via Christus (The Way of the Christ) presents full-color art reproductions which include twenty-four paintings that are based on stories from the New Testament of the Christian Bible together with twelve additional verses rendered in calligraphy. The twenty-four paintings, which are the main theme of the book, were inspired by key events in the life and teaching of Christ, the work of the apostles, and the prophesies within the book of Revelation. These paintings are not your typical Bible illustrations but, in actuality, mystic visions of New Testament teachings for today's questioning minds. This artwork should inspire a new understanding of the truth embodied in the Christ consciousness -- God is within every one of us and we are all one!

Purchase this insightful, new book from Lulu or Amazon

Mysteries of the Tanakh
Mysteries of the Tanakh This beautiful, full-color picture book presents 77 monotypes by James Bennett interpreting stories from the Tanakh (also called the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament). Bennett's artwork explores the symbolism and mysteries hidden within the ancient, sacred writings -- imparting new insights from the past that might provide us with meanings for today. The reproductions are each full-page and in full-color. Stylistically, the work of Marc Chagall and Paul Klee were influences. The 77 monotypes (prints where only a single copy of an image is made) are combined with collage, gold leaf, pastel, and computer generated text. The computer generated text which accompanies each monotype uses a font created by Bennett specifically for this artwork and is based on the ancient Phoenician alphabet which is foundational for all western alphabets. This book is sure to entertain, intrigue, and challenge the reader for many years to come.

 Purchase this beautiful art book at Lulu.com or Amazon.com.

Dream Fantasy bookA Dream Fantasy -- An Artistic Journey into the Realm of Dreams and the Subconscious Mind. The eighty monotype illustrations reproduced full-page and in full-color in this exquisitely beautiful book are based upon images from the artist's dream journals and his experiments with the subconscious. A 4,500-word, epic poem composed impromptu by the artist accompanies his illustrations. The artwork, together with the poem, portrays the timelessness (acknowledging ties to antiquity) that permeates much of the dream imagery. The pictures portray the fragmented quality of dreams -- the difficulty remembering dreams in their entirety and how easily they slip from our memory. Bennett's dream art has the appearance of ancient documents that are fragmented, weathered, and torn. The art reminds us that dreams are described in the most ancient stories, both religious and secular.  (Art & Poetry)

        Purchase this extraordinary book from Lulu.com or Amazon.com

Also Presenting...

Unique Novels of Varied Interests

Secrets of the Wizard

Secrets of the Wizard is a fantasy adventure for anyone (age 12 and up) who loves solving math puzzles. This is the suspenseful, action-packed story of the good wizard, Galimedes, and his two faithful helpers as they try to recover the lost scrolls of time and seasons which were stolen by the evil magician, Zarvildar.

The pages of the story are scrambled and renumbered (so only the worthy will gain access to the secrets). Indeed, only by solving the math puzzle on each page will you know the number of the page to read next. There are 99 math puzzles altogether!

There is also a hidden secret message which will reveal the wizard’s greatest secret.

To order, please visit Lulu.com or Amazon.com.

Locked Out! by Jim

Locked Out! -- A civil rights story about Massive Resistance and school closures in the South. Based on actual events which are the historical backdrop for this coming-of-age novel about 2 young boys (one white -- one black) growing up in a small southern town during the 1950s when school integration collided with Massive Resistance and life in the peaceful little town was thrown into chaos. The story combines strong characters, heartwarming scenes, psychological tension, humor, 1950s nostalgia, and even a murder mystery.

To order, please visit Lulu.com or Amazon.com

The Poughkeepsie
                                              Mystery by Jim Bennett

The Poughkeepsie Mystery -- An exciting mystery thriller set in Poughkeepsie, NY, this is a story about buried treasure—a map—hidden coded messages—a secret society—kidnapping—murder—danger! Presented before a backdrop of the city's rich history. A young teacher discovers an old album of pen and ink drawings that appears to contain secret clues to where a treasure is buried.She must decipher coded messages, follow clues which lead her to numerous locations in and around the city, and thwart the efforts of a secret society that is pledged to stop her as she risks her life unraveling the clues and searching for the legendary treasure.

To order, please visit Lulu.com or Amazon.com

Roger Versus the
                                                Bullies  The Wimp Versus the Bullies -- Roger’s heard that “middle school isn’t for wimps,” and that scares him! Since he’s just eleven, mixed-race, short for his age, as well as new to the school, he's worried that the other kids might think he’s just a wimp. Maybe they’d be right — maybe he is a wimp! It doesn’t help one bit that two of the meanest bullies in the school single him out as their number one target. He also has the strictest teacher at school, and at home, he has to put up with his bratty kid sister. He hopes his new friends, Reeves Boggs (nicknamed Booger) and Theresa Montaigne, the new girl at school who has a secret, can help him survive the challenges of being in 6th grade – dealing with bullies, racial and transgender prejudices, and discovering who the “Halloween witch” who lives in his neighborhood really is. Together the three of them discover what it's like growing up and surviving middle school.
To order, please visit Lulu.com

Hudson Valley
                                                    Horror House NovelThe Hudson Valley Horror House -- Boz Bright, a highly skilled top-secret agent in the most advanced intelligence force in the U.S. gov't, appears to have met his match when he comes up against Russian operatives, American religious fanatics, white supremacists, Nazis, and the horror of the supernatural! Set in Dutchess County New York, this suspenseful thriller combines mystery and suspense with actual historical settings. The novel is based on legends of horrifying events and reported sightings of ghosts connected with real houses in the Hudson Valley. This story begins when Boz is sent on assignment to investigate a strange anomaly detected by satellite surveillance emanating from a mansion which is believed to be haunted. Working with his fiancée, Kari Ingram, the two of them discover a secret underground laboratory beneath the mansion where an anti-gravity device, first designed by the Nazis and capable of traveling through time, is being built.

Order Here from Lulu.com                                                                 


Calligraphy For Dummies by
                                                    Jim Bennett

Calligraphy For Dummies is all about discovering the art and fun of lettering. With this hands-on guide, you’ll be able to develop your craft and test it out in no time. Starting with the italic alphabet, you’ll discover different types of strokes, how to angle your pen, and how to join letters. This easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide shows you:
  • All the tools you need to practice the craft
  • Where to get the proper ink and paper
  • How to master several alphabets
  • Different variations to change the look of letters
  • How to mix and match your alphabets
  • How to create a poster, sign, or certificate
  • Ways to design and letter a quotation
  • Common mistakes that can easily be avoided.

Available HERE

       Calligraphy for
                                                    Creative Kids (and
                                                    Adults too!) by Jim

Calligraphy For Creative Kids (and adults too!) is a simple, how-to, instruction book, written mainly with children in mind but will teach anyone of any age how to become an accomplished calligrapher! The book, penned entirely in a calligraphic hand, begins with an explanation of how to select the right pens, inks, and paper. It then introduces the Italic alphabet, a beautiful and highly versatile alphabet. Next, are examples of Italic flourishes and sections on Blackletter (particularly useful for certificates) and drawn letters. The book ends with an impressive list of creative projects. This is a simple, straight-forward and profusely illustrated calligraphy practice book.

  To order, please visit Lulu.com or Amazon.com

                                                    Calligraphy by Jim

Bible Calligraphy, 100 Scriptures --100 Bible verses rendered in an elegant calligraphic hand by James Bennett, master calligrapher and author of several books on calligraphy including Calligraphy For Dummies and Calligraphy for Creative Kids. These Bible Calligraphy scriptures were originally created as the covers for weekly church bulletins and can be a resource for prayer, meditation, and spiritual encouragement. Regardless of a person's beliefs, these calligraphic designs can be appreciated for their artistic qualities. Each scripture is printed on a page which is blank on the reverse side so it may be removed and displayed separately. The images may be photocopied and used in churches, Christian schools, and Sunday schools.

 Available at
Lulu.com and Amazon.com

Leonardoscript, How to Write Like
                                                        Leonardo da
                                                        Vinci by Jim

LeonardoScript, How to Write Like Leonardo da Vinci --Write in the actual style of Leonardo da Vinci! Easy, trace and copy lessons will show you how to write exactly like da Vinci.Although written for young people (age 10 and up), LeonardoScript will certainly enable an adult to acquire a distinctively elegant handwriting style. There are numerous practice pages covering upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation.  The entire book is penned in the style of Leonardo.

Available from Lulu.com and Amazon.com

You Can Do Calligraphy by Jim

You Can Do Calligraphy -- This how-to, beginner's instruction book is written for all ages and will guide you to master your skill in this ancient and beautiful art! The book, penned entirely in a calligraphic hand, begins with an explanation of how to select the right pens, inks, and paper.

  • Learn 5 useful alphabets: Italic, Blackletter, Roman, Bookhand, and Uncial.
  • Design flourished signatures.
  • Letter quotations.
  • Create greeting cards, posters, and maps.
  • Make awards, plaques, and diplomas.

Available from Lulu and Amazon

Math Creative Projects -- Lesson Plans for TeachersCreative Math Projects

25+ Big Book of Creative Math Projects -- Math can be taught creatively, and this collection of 25+ creative math projects will provide the teacher with several years' of creative ideas and plans. Build a rubber band race car, write a journal, go on a treasure hunt, learn from Bible math. These are just a few of the fun, hands-on project lesson plans that were developed and refined in the classroom over 40+ years by an award-winning teacher. These projects will engage students and promote their understanding of the math concepts as well as providing exciting memorable experiences. Students never forget doing these creative math projects! This is a publication of Integer Jim's Math Squad -- mathsquad.com.

Available from Lulu.com

 Bible Math
                                                    Projects by Jim

"Bible Math Collection 1" is a cost-saving collection of 5 of my most popular Bible Math lesson plans. Appropriate for middle grades and higher. It includes math lessons about Creation, Noah’s Ark, Ark of the Covenant, King Solomon’s Pool, and Gideon’s Army. These lessons are described in detail below and may be purchased individually. This collection contains every page in the lesson booklets. My students loved these projects. They are excellent for schools and home schools.

Available at biblemathprojects.com

.Math Journal by
                                                    Jim Bennett

Create a Math Adventure Journal -- This is a teacher's guide which explains how to implement a journal project in a math classroom. This guide explains how the journal can include 4 kinds of pages: lecture notes, illustrations (charts, diagrams, graphs, etc), research topics, and pages where students pick the math-related subject. There is a page-by-page listing of the contents of my algebra journal as an example plus copies of 70 actual pages of illustrations and supplemental material that I use. Please note: many of these supplemental pages are about a Biblical subjects such as information about Noah's ark, King Solomon's Pool, the Ark of the Covenant, the tower of Babel, and the Six Days of Creation. There are also pages about Fibonacci, Kepler, and Descartes and other interesting math topics.

Available from Lulu.com and Amazon.com

Quest for the
                                                      Golden Calculator
                                                      by Jim bennett

The Quest for the Golden Calculator is an interactive game that’s designed to make math class fun. The fictional story and cast of characters provide the teacher with a host of opportunities to help students become successful in math, develop good work habits, set goals, maintain a positive attitude, persevere through difficulties, and avoid typical problem areas such as: being disorganized and wasting time. It teaches students the value in avoiding bad influences, distractions, boredom, taking shortcuts, and making excuses.

Available from Lulu.com and Amazon.com

The Algebra
                                                      Journal by Jim

The Algebra Journal is a facsimile of a completely handmade 210-page math journal. It can be used by teachers as an example to inspire students to create their own fun journals while learning math. The journal has 4 types of content: 1. Instructional content which is similar to lecture notes. 2. Pages where students research various subjects on the Internet. These pages include history, biographies, and topics of interest. 3. Diagrams, charts, and illustrations. 4. Pages of the students' choice where they select the math-related topic. Although this is an algebra journal, it can be used as an example for any subject where the teacher wants to inspire students to make a similar type journal.

Available from Lulu and Amazon

 Create a Pirate
                                                    Map by Jim Bennett

Create Your Own Pirate Treasure Map --This little book (suitable for ages 10 and up) shows step-by-step how to create an authentic-looking, pirate treasure map. It will help a young person understand the elements of map making, such a scale. The instructions are simple, easy-to-follow, and expertly illustrated. It also has instructions on how to play a pirate treasure hunt game. The last section contains examples of old maps and some fantasy maps of fictional locations.

Available from Lulu and Amazon   

Local History

Poughkeepsie's Amazing History by Jim

Poughkeepsie's Amazing Extraordinary History -- Compiled by Jim Bennett, this little pamphlet is a year-by-year outline of the history of Poughkeepsie, NY from colonial times through the present day. This outline presents the high points of an illustrious history of the "Queen City of the Hudson."

Available from Lulu and Amazon  

                                                      Notebook by Jim

The Poughkeepsie Notebook --A spiral-bound personal journal with over 200 ruled pages and lots of page headings and inserts with information about the amazing history of Pougkeepsie, NY -- perfect for jotting notes, journaling, making to do lists, keeping a planner.

Available from Lulu

Antiquarian Reprints


ETIDORHPA is a 19th century adventure which interweaves fantasy, science, secret societies, and hallucinogenic mushrooms! Lavishly illustrated with beautiful J. Augustus Knapp drawings and paintings. Newly edited (not abridged). To preview this incredible book CLICK HERE. Download FREE and read the first 85 pages of the story! CLICK HERE

HARMONIC LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE is a richly illustrated treatise selected from a famous 19th century book on color and design. The author explores the harmonies that exist in nature and art and their relationship to spiritual truths. To read more about this wonderful little book CLICK HERE.

VITALITY SUPREME, first published in 1915 and written by Bernarr Macfadden, an early "health guru" who was well ahead of his time in his understanding of whole foods and exercise, shows how to gain health and vitality through a series of unique exercises as well as diet, etc. This book is full of old photographs, mostly of Macfadden himself, demonstrating how to do the exercises. To read more about this classic book on health CLICK HERE.

THREE GREAT REMEDIES OF NATURE - another very early Macfadden book. This book covers fasting, exercise, and hydropathy (water therapy). "Three Great Remedies" is also richly illustrated with many old photographs. (Note: original copies of this book are highly collectible.) To read more about the Riverflow reprint CLICK HERE.

How to Succeed by

How to Succeed by Orison Swett Marden -- first published in 1896, is a self-help classic. It has inspired thousands to do exactly what the title says - SUCCEED. The book is full of golden nuggets of positive thinking and time-tested positive values. Marden was one of the pioneers of positive thinking. He was one of the first popular self-help authors. Marden led the way for others such as Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Zig Ziglar, and Tony Robbins to follow. This book is certainly a "must-have" for any success library.

Available from Lulu.com


Tom Swift edited by
                                              Jim Bennett

Tom Swift and His Motorcycle --This 1910 adventure story, the first of the popular series about a teenage boy, showcases Tom Swift's ingenuity and mechanical aptitude. The action takes off when a group of scoundrels set their sights on stealing Tom's father's newest invention, a turbine engine. This book is a wonderful window on life in America at the beginning of the twentieth century. The main character embodies the positive traits of courage, ingenuity, hard work, determination, honesty, virtue, and service to others. Tom Swift was a popular American fictional hero who had a profound influence on the young people of the time. The story has been completely revised to eliminate racial and gender bias which was unfortunately evident in the original story. None of the excitement or the twists and turns of the adventure have been diminished.

                                              Available from Lulu and Amazon

Bernarr Macfadden
                                                Biography by Jim

Muscles, Sex, Money, and Fame
-- The biography of Bernarr Macfadden (1868 – 1955) who was the self-proclaimed "Father of Physical Culture," flamboyant personality, true visionary, millionaire publisher, and life-long advocate of physical fitness, natural food, outdoor exercise, and the natural treatment of disease. He was branded a "kook" and a charlatan by many, was arrested on obscenity charges, denounced by the medical establishment, and campaigned tirelessly against "pill-pushers," processed foods, and prudery. This pictorial history of Macfadden’s extraordinary life – from his earliest years as a sickly child through the years of his fame and success, contains hundreds of rare photos from the pages of his books and magazines, as well as pictures of his health sanitariums, a failed Utopian health community, and his “physical culture” family.

                                  Available from Lulu

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Art & Other Sites of Interest

                                  painting of the Nautilus
Lithograph of the Nautilus

See more of my art at

Looking for BEAUTIFUL NEW ART? Free art gifts at bennecelli.com, featuring free custom-designed digital art professionally created using your initials!

Art instruction, drawing, painting, portraits, calligraphy, Italic handwriting at studioarts.net

Learn calligraphy by correspondence, at home, at your own pace.

artandthebible.com -- art, a doorway to a deeper understanding of the Bible.

biblecalligraphy.com Bible verses rendered in elegant calligraphy

Bible Math Projects make math fun.

Read the incredible life story of the "Father of Physical Culture" at bernarrmacfadden.com

Receive a FREE weekly Bible Scripture in Calligraphy by e-mail!
CLICK HERE to visit my Bible calligraphy website.

Bible Calligraphy

Check out the Math Help Wizard!
He has free videos and help with
Fractions - Decimals - Percents

Art and the Bible, tuition-free lessons, use art to explore the truth of the teachings of Jesus and the apostles from the Gospels through Revelation, for the thinking, questioning person, artandthebible.com.

Thank you for visiting. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at jim at riverflow dot com

Copyright 2021, James Bennett